Rapid Growth in TransPacific Bandwidth Capacity

New analysis from WFN Strategies and SubTel Forum, as reported in Communications Day, predicts a substantial increase in transPacific bandwidth capacity, estimating it to grow from 720Tbps to 2230Tbps within four years. This estimate accounts for seven new cable announcements, including Echo, Topaz, and Hawaiki Nui, but was calculated before Google’s recent cable announcements. The […]

Navigating the Evolving Landscape of Submarine Cable Investment

APTelecom Director Ian Mclean, featured in Submarine Telecoms Forum Industry Report, explores the dynamic pricing trends, capacity growth, and market forces shaping the future of submarine cable investment. Historically, the Asia-Pacific region has witnessed remarkable pricing dynamics, driven by a large demand for data and connectivity. However, on the trans-Pacific route, factors like geographic constraints […]

Google & APTelecom Pioneer Resilient Digital Connectivity in the Pacific

Google recently announced their collaboration with APTelecom and other key partners, leading the charge in enhancing digital connectivity and resilience in the Pacific. The South Pacific Connect initiative, introduces two transpacific subsea cables: Honomoana, linking the United States and Australia to French Polynesia, and Tabua, connecting the United States and Australia to Fiji. These cables, […]

White House Announces APTelecom Facilitating Digital Connectivity in Pacific Islands

In the wake of the U.S.-Pacific Islands Forum Summit, APTelecom is at the forefront of advancing secure and resilient digital connectivity in the Pacific Islands. In the White House Fact Sheet, the U.S. and Australia reaffirmed their commitment to enhancing the region’s economic development and climate resilience through various projects and activities. This strategic collaboration […]

Grant Agreement Signing for Central Pacific Cable

On the 17th of October, U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) awarded a grant to Tuvalu Telecom Corporation (TTC) for a feasibility study, being conducted by APTelecom. The study supports the development of the Central Pacific Cable, a 15,900-kilometer subsea cable connecting Guam to American Samoa, benefiting approximately 400,000 people across 12 Pacific Island countries. USTDA’s […]